
Rave's were-raven back story

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It happened so fast to the young warrior cyborg, he was in a heated battle with a dark mage who placed a spell on Rave, the spell activates during a lunar eclipse. luckily for Rave his will power was stronger then his spirit animal he used his new power to defeat the dark mage. he made a vow only to use his new powers for good until he can control it better. after 5 years he mastered his form and he's faster and stronger but this only lasts 30 minutes after the eclipse. after one of his jobs a young witch told him he's luck that his will is very strong since many who had that spell used on them killed themselves while transformed. Since that odd yet fateful day he sees that spell as a blessing than a curse. he still uses all his skills to protect and serve people in need as for the dark mage he's still at large or did he fade from history? none knows for sure some say he was the were raven mage others claim he appears once every 100 years or so.
i thought of a good way to explain how he became one hope you enjoyed it so far.
(C) :iconraventhewarrior: 
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